Liquid alkali-free accelerator acc. to EN 934-5 for shotcrete applications in dry and wet process
Fields of application
PANTAQUICK® SCA30 AFL is a highly effective liquid alkali-free accelerator especially designed for shotcrete applications in dry and wet spraying process. PANTAQUICK® SCA30 AFL is generally suitable for all applications where high early and final strengths are required, such as> Excavation support in tunnelling and
underground construction
> Support in mine and gallery construction
> Rock support lining
> Surface sealing
> Slope stabilisation
PANTAQUICK® SCA30 AFL offers the following benefits:
> High initial and early strength developments
> High final strength
> Good workability
> Low pH-value
> Dense sprayed concrete
> Less rebound due to excellent adhesion
> Reduced thickness of sprayed concrete lining
> Facilitates overhead spraying
> Improved working conditions due to reduced dust
> No health hazards during transportation, storage and processing
> Contribution to sustainability due to economic use of concrete and alkali-free compounds