Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32µm

Polypropylene fibre acc. to EN 14889-2 for improving concrete’s fire resistance

Fields of application

Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm is an ultra-fine, synthetic fibre designed for improving the fire resistance of concrete. At high rising temperatures, the fibre melts, and forms micropores in the concrete which allow the vaporised water pressure to release. Concrete spalling can thereby be reduced or retarded.

Additionally, Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm reduces the crack formation in cementitious construction materials through improving its resistance to early age shrinkage cracking.

Application range of Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm:
>  general building construction
>  concrete applied in underground constructions (shotcrete and inner tunnel shells)
>  industrial floors
>  agricultural buildings
>  prefabrication, precast and manufactured concrete products
>  concrete traffic areas
>  Foundations and floor slabs
>  Screeds

Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm enables:
>  Improvement of fire resistance
>  Reduction of shrinkage cracks
>  Optimization of green strength
>  Improved resistance to impact stress and wear
>  High durability of concrete

Working principle

Having good dispersing properties Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm can be dispersed easily, homogeneously, and three-dimensionally throughout the fresh concrete. The degree of fibre finesse and its frequency attains a homogeneous stress spread in concrete and minimises shrinkage and stress cracks significantly.
Ha-Be PP-Fibre 32 µm improves concrete’s bending tension stress, its impact strength and increases its ductility.